final weeks of class

Week 15: April 24, 26, 28
Appointments with Instructor and preparation of 10-page "Interpretive Essay," which is due on April 28. You must make appointments with the instructor, from 8:30 – 12:00 each of these day. Alternately, stop by between 9 – 11:30 and take your chances that I am not with another students. Appointments are for 30 minutes each. If you need an alternate time, talk to me and we can figure something out.

Week 16: May 1, 3, 5
PowerPoint presentations
With 3-4 slides and 3 images tell the story of your project. How does it reflect broad trends in US urban history and the region’s history?

Final papers due May 12th, by 4 PM. No exceptions!

April 10-14

Your People & Place papers are due this week, preferably Wednesday but definitely before Friday (after class).

For Wed., Apr. 12,
Groups 1 & 2 should read,  Sharon Zukin, Landscapes of Power, “Disney World;”
groups 3-5 should read:  Sharon Zukin, Landscapes of Power, “Mill & Mall” .
These are both on ECR.

For Fri., Apr. 14,
Groups 1 – 3 should read Isenberg, Downtown America, chapter 7;
Groups 4 & 5 should read  Isenberg, Downtown America, chapter 8.