Chagrin Falls Schools have decided to allow students to opt out, which is disappointing. Apparently other districts in Northeastern Ohio might be opting out altogether. I will write a post-mortem, next week, after the event.
Also, I have now seen an e-mail distributed by the Principal of the Chagrin Falls High School, which I excerpt below. Notice the language. Surely asking teachers to make sure its relevant and a valuable use of instructional time is valuable. But, notice that it is telling teachers that they should not only make decisions based on curricular merit, but also based on parental/staff opposition? What is that about? Surely, they’re not being told to avoid issues and ideas that school staff or leadership disagree with? And, to what, precisely, is there parent opposition or staff opposition to? The President, education, the idea of student responsibility? Is this criteria really the best way for teachers to make curricular choices?
Good morning,
We have been receiving some comments/e-mails/phone calls regarding President’s Obama speech he has planned next week, Presidential Address to Students, September 8th. If you receive e-mails or phones calls concerning this please forward these to Steve Thompson. The following district guidelines need to be complied with and considered in respect to showing this speech to your students:
• Does it match your grade level/class standards?
• Some parents/staff will be opposed
• Loss of instructional time – does it matter?
If you decide to show it – the following must be done:
• Notice to parents must be sent home and it must include some language that allows parents to opt. out .
• An alternative academic activity and location must be arranged.
This was sent to teachers and staff at 8:43 am on September 3, 2009, by the high school principal, I believe.