So, they put up the frame for the rear wall of the second floor, and you can begin to see part of the new roofline. Speaking of which, their next step was to dismantle the existing roof, so that they could add structural beams and tie the new roof into the structure of the house. That was pretty exciting–lots of banging and such. I even caught a piece of roof on my head, leaving a cut at my hairline astangible evidence of the multiple breaks I’ve been taking to photograph the work. Things became even more exciting, when they interior lathe and plaster at the edge of their work became unmoored and came crashing to the floor of our bedroom. Fortunately, Kristi had taken a break just moments earlier, declaring her concern that the roof above where she’d been working (one of our computers is in an armoire in our bedroom) would come crashing down. What a day!
Sounds pretty dangerous. Hope your insurance, both help and property, are paid up.
I meant to type health, not help.