Prepared text of Obama’s speech to school students

The Associated Press has published the text of Obama’s speech on Tuesday. I can’t find anything controversial. Please help me understand what is so controversial to the right wing. The Associated Press: Prepared text of Obama’s speech to school students.

Now, for extra credit, compare it to George H. W. Bush’s speech to school children in 1991. The mix of law professor bloggers over at the Volokh Conspiracy (specifically Northwester University Professor James Lindgren) have put together some links about the 1991 speech, including the entire text.

Oh, and her’s an additional though for those folks who want their kids to “opt out”: You’ve already lost the battle of ideas if yours are so fragile that you can’t have your kids listening to a 15-minute speech by an American President with whom you disagree.

George H. W. Bush “Indoctrinated” Children in Address to Schoolchildren 21790-1 : C-SPAN Video Library | Created by Cable. Offered as a Public Service.

I checked (very quickly) on Lexus/Nexus today. I found no evidence of parents demanding the right to opt out of this event, no evidence that the school district felt it necessary to allow (actively) such opting out, nor any evidence that it was viewed by local students.

So, what’s the difference? Is it that George H. W. Bush was a Republican, a white man, a scion of an old political family, that the Internet has changed the discourse that dramatically, or perhaps the left is eminently more reasonable than the right. Probably, its a combination of all the above. And, don’t tell me that the social and political environment has changed, ’cause I still show the George H. W. Bush’s “Willy Horton” advertisements in my US history course when we discuss post-World War II politics. Of course, the crazy zealots on the right would have a cow, claiming I am “indoctrinating” their kids. That said, I also show the “daisy ad,” Reagan’s “morning in America” ad, Hilary Clinton’s “3am” ad, and part of Obama’s 30-minute infomercial.  But, I digress.

George H. W. Bush Address to Schoolchildren 21790-1 : C-SPAN Video Library | Created by Cable. Offered as a Public Service.

This should remind you just how pathetic the current crop of right-wing zealots are as people and citizens.