
Not quite sure what to make of President Obama’s gutsy move in going after Osama Bin Laden. There is just so much to process, on so many different levels.

First, it runs against just about everything I believe about justice, but I am not sure that Bin Laden could ever have been brought to trial. Also, the unilateralism, the crossing of national borders to carry out a political assassination, and the extremely dispassionate aggression all run counter to my gut reaction to find justice through broad legal means. That said, I have little doubt that justice was served and that Obama’s choices (see more below) actually showed a remarkably subtle grasp of international politics and justice. Indeed, rather than hide behind a drone attack and rain down wanton destruction, he chose the more dangerous and surgical action–one that undoubtedly saved innocent lives.

I have been equally stunned by the reactions. If young people used the moment to behave with patriotism and New Yorkers rejoiced, there nonetheless has been a strange lack of compassion in the jubilation that misunderstands the value of human life in what seem to me to be some of the same dehumanizing ways that terrorists approach the world.

Republicans and right-wingers have, not surprisingly, been reluctant to acknowledge the President’s role and/or just how exceptional and important this was. On a more positive note, many former Bush administration officials, including Dick Cheney, have shown more sense and appreciation for the exceptional decision-making that is involved.

Oddly, my students showed a surprising amount of skepticism, mirroring less virulently the ridiculousness of shock-jocks like Limbaugh or Cleveland’s own Trivisano (sp?) who claimed that Osama Bin Laden himself was a fabrication (???). Everyone wanted to see the body or photographs. Really, how exactly would that help them get closer to the truth? It appears that they fear the “government’s” power to lie and/or dupe people in a sort of unquestioning way that actually shows a remarkable lack of sophistication. I suppose that I should not be surprised, but I am disappointed. It makes having even a reasonable conversation about the day’s events impossible, when some large portion begin yapping about how its all a lie.

Regardless of the reaction, I am amazed by Obama’s decision making. They had evidence but Leon Panetta only estimated that it was 60-80 percent reliable. Moreover, they had different options–drones, bombers, special forces. He could tell Pakistan; he could not tell them. He could capture or kill. The list goes on. The stakes were incredible. What if Bin Laden wasn’t there? What if something went wrong (and it always does)? Think context–Desert One in Iran or Somalia.

Given the context, you have to be impressed with the deliberation, the decisiveness, and the resolve. If I admired Obama before, I am even more impressed now with his courage and instincts. Leadership demands making choices, and doing so under pressure and at the right moment. He could not have gotten this one any more correct.

Truth and Fiction in Public Polling

I listened intently to a couple of pollsters on local NPR affiliate WCPN’s Science Cafe yestereday, as they discussed election polling. As insightful as it was, it also did not discuss adequately several issues that I find to be much more insightfully highlighted on Five-ThirtyEight.Com. Run by a founder of baseball prospectus, number geek/statistician, Nate Silver does an exemplary job of describing in plain language a variety of issues regarding polling. Most notably, he persistently challenges the so-calle “Bradley Effect”–in which white voters say one things about their voting preferences to pollsters and head into the polls and vote against the black candidate.  See, the most recent post on this: Electoral Projections Done Right: The Persistent Myth of the Bradley Effect.

FiveThirtyEight also has some really interesting discussions of likely votes and registered voters, and how they youth vote figures into this equation. Short version: Anyone creating a poll with “likely voters” does not count the youth vote because the under-30 crowd turns out to vote in such low numbers. However, evidence suggests that this election might be different–who knows. Even a modest turnout among the “kids”–who will tend strongly toward Obama–could really tip the election. We can only hope, but in either case we should be skeptical of those “likely voter” models.